Justice, Peace, and Integrity Of Creation . . . (JPIC)



The mission of JPIC is to assist theJPIC Francis Professed Secular Franciscans as they reflect on their relationship with God as manifested in the fruits of conversion in their lives.

This with special regard to the daily choices made in the areas of justice, peace making and respect for all created things and people; as brothers and sisters of penance, bringing life to the Gospel and the Gospel to life.

– JPIC Mission Statement



JPIC activities occur on a national, regional, and most importantly, on a local fraternity level. While the expression of JPIC activities vary, all are oriented toward fraternity, spirituality, formation and apostolate.

earth in hands - grass background - environment concept

Our former National Minister, Tom Bello OFS, told us at a national Confab that:

“JPIC is the wholeness of our Rule lived out in action with prayer and contemplation. JPIC is the restoration of right relationship with God, with each other and with all of creation.”

To find out more about how Il Poverello Fraternity is active in the ministry of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, you may contact our fraternity JPIC coordinators, Noreen Ringlein OFS and Edd Ringlein OFS, through this contact form:






For more information on the JPIC activities for the USA Secular Franciscan Order, please visit their website for